Friday, January 14, 2011

Dieting and Health Myths

I was really glad to come across this article about the realities of food and how it impacts your health. I remember when Rex was working out with a personal trainer who insisted I quit cooking with butter and move to a butter substitute. He must have said some nasty things about me to Rex because I was told Mr. I Hate Real Food wanted to talk to me personally about my sinful ways. His goal was just to be skinny. I just couldn't understand the benefit of eating a fake spray that supposedly tasted like butter rather than just using a little of the real stuff.

Anyhoo, the article I mention above busts a lot of myths like the one I discussed. Sure, eating a whole stick of butter is bad. No one is suggesting you do that. I think I'll begin eating more baked potatoes though. They're loaded with potassium, and that's essential for maintaining normal blood pressure.

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