Monday, July 12, 2010

Two more runs under my belt!

I seem to be stuck at the 1.5 mile distance for my runs, but since I've only been getting back into the habit for a couple weeks this is just fine. Rex thinks I'm torturing him, but it's not that bad. So far I think the hardest thing to deal with is the heat. The humidity doesn't help either, but boy is it hot! I'm looking forward to running more this fall, which ought to yield better results for me. It's always nice in the spring and fall when the weather is more conducive for running. The deepest part of winter can be tough because of the exercise-induced asthma.

On another note I've developed a real weakness for homemade cobbler. I get fresh fruit from the farmer's market and make it from scratch. This is good because I love cobbler. This is also bad because cobbler is filled with sugar. If you're feeling up to having a tasty Southern treat check out Paula Deen's recipe for peach cobbler. YUM!! Needless to say I need to run more just to compensate for the awful amount of calories I've been eating from cobbler alone.

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